Our Partners

Envisioning a viable career path for every artist...
Inspired by Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “Everyone has the right to take part freely in the cultural life of the community, [and] to enjoy the arts”, MYARTIST is a bridge between artists and society.
MYARTIST is a social cooperative enterprise, founded in 2018, specialized in the provision of services of general interest or in the reintegration, through work, coaching/counselling and mentoring services, of disadvantaged and marginalized artists (disabled, long-term unemployed, former detainees, addicts, etc.).
MYARTIST offers management, coaching, mentoring and counselling services to graduates from “arts schools”, inviting companies to “adopt” an artist and to undertake his/her operating costs (in order to create a painting, a sculpture, to organize a photographic exhibition, etc.). MYARTIST brings creative talents into contact with companies of excellence. From the synergy between the company and the artist, an unprecedented art collection is born, an exceptional and innovative testimonial of an entrepreneurial artist identity.
In that way, MYARTIST aims to engage art as an important tool for fostering dialogue among diverse peoples, cultures, and worldviews to encourage tolerance and solidarity in the defence of human rights, underlying the importance of the relationship between the artist and the most compelling issues of our time.

Nikanor was established in 2002 as a private company working in the field of recruitment, adults traning and human resources management and development. In 2003 it was licensed by NAVET as an adults vocational training center and as a Center for Information and Guidance. From 2019 we’re a member of EfVET.
From 2019 we are also a member of Let her in association. It is an international network made up of public and private organisations, each with their specific expertise and experience, ready to share their knowledge, skills and values and collaborate with organizations that invest in human capital in order to eliminate the obstacles that women encounter in their equal educational, labour, political, social and civic participation.
Our main office is in Sofia, Bulgaria, which is the capital. The experience of the company in providing various vocational and soft-skills courses for adults. Nikanor offers vocational trainings in 25 professions and 32 specialties, language courses and soft skill trainings. We continuously update our programmes and develop new training modules.
Our objective as a company is to develop new approaches and methods, which we could use for education, personal development, in our consultants and mentoring programme. We developed and implement European projects. Till now we have more then 30 successfully national and international European projects.

This Association aims to improve the quality of education and adult training, promoting and facilitating the access, of both teachers and learners, to new technologies and innovative teaching tools. DomSpain is a Training and Consulting Company active on a national and international level. It offers a variety of services to the public and private sector of Spain and actively participates in international schemes through a well-established network of partners abroad.
The Training department of DomSpain develops educational programmes in four main directions:courses and workshops for adult learners, including foreign languages, ICT, cookery, dance and personal growth classes. VET: ICT, foreign languages, employability, work-based learning trainings for educators focusing on improving foreign language competences, use of digital tools and new teaching methods, blended learning extra curriculum activities for school children and parents, including foreign languages, robotics, coding, and internet safety The courses and trainings are implemented in our own premises as well as at 6 civic centres and 5 primary and secondary schools of the Tarragona province. We employ 40 educators and count with around 1400 students each academic year. The company provides both face-to-face, blended and online classes. In the ICT field, we have acquired experience through many years of protection of informatics infrastructures to offer to organizations, businesses, public bodies and other entities integral solutions, which help them guarantee the cybernetic security. DomSpain provides guidance and support to entities such as educational centres, public bodies, social enterprises, and NGOs in digitalising of their internal working processes. Also, DomSpain has a highly qualified team of information technology that has implemented various projects on national and International level involving development of educational platforms. We provide extra-curriculum activities in foreign languages and robotics for children with learning difficulties and developmental disorders as well as classes of ICT and languages for adults with special educational needs. Representatives of DomSpain form part of the Board of some associations of people with disabilities as well as the Council of Accessibility of the Reus Municipality.

Founded in 2013, Les Apprimeurs is a private company specialised in the creation of customized digital solutions for the education, culture and training sectors. We work to promote basic and soft skills and access to knowledge for all through a series of activities:
- Design and development of enriched digital publications for youth, school and university sectors and cultural and heritage fields. We work both as a publisher for our own books and as a service provider for institutions and publishing companies.
- Digital and educational projects development aiming at providing innovative reading, learning and creative solutions, with a special focus on accessible digital tools and contents. We are involved in several European projects as coordinator and partners.
- Workshops implementation around new publication technologies to encourage their appropriation by audiences with little or no access: workshop around the code, workshop around the writing of digital books….
- Training in digital project management and digital book production for professionals and students both at university & schools.

Established in 1970, Consorzio Brianteo Villa Greppi is an Italian Public Body and its associates are 15 local municipalities (based in Lombardy Region, north of Italy). Its mission is to promote continuing vocational training, organize and manage cultural activities together with associations, institutions and schools, preserve and enhance cultural heritage, organize supporting services for educational initiatives. It is the owner of Villa Greppi, a classic mansion with high historical and cultural value, built at the beginning of XIX century.
Most of the activities are realized in the mansion, as well as in properties belonging to the Consorzio’s associates. Among its objectives, it has the promotion of the territory and the management of cultural activities on the area. It has an active network with primary and secondary schools involving over 2.000 students and over 30 civil society associations and cultural organizations. Today, the Consorzio is the heart of a wide cultural network, with a rich cultural programme in various sectors. It has strong experiences in production and organization of high quality cultural activities for different target groups (children, students, young people, adults and older people), in different fields like remembrance, visual arts, performing arts and theater, cinema, music, conferences and exhibitions. Each field is coordinated by a scientific expert with specific competences, to guarantee high quality initiatives and trainings.

Creative group "COLORIZE" was established at year 2013. At the beginning it started to work as non-budget organisation and made monitoring of art and culture event places (museums, theatres, cinemas, creative quarters etc.) in Riga, Latvia to inform people with disabilties about possibilities. Until now we have leaded many art workshops for kids, youngsters and adults all around Latvia for inclusion of persons with disabilities. "COLORIZE" uses art as main tool for inclusion. We see art is great tool for that, because it allows to communicate and learn through it. Art is international language, which joins all of us. No matter rase, religion or abilities.
"COLORIZE" has essential role in public discussion on disability, art and inclusion topic. We participated in many discussion on this topic, to educate and inform wider society.
We have been partners in several international youth exchanges and trainings, mainly on topic of art and inclusion. Last few years "COLORIZE" works also in art museums to make this setting accessible for wider part of society - people with disabilities, seniors from nursery houses etc. We have three priorities: (1) to develop new, inclusive platform and offer it to art museums in Latvia and (2) provide trainings for different field professionals, so they can use art as tool in their job to promote inclusion among persons with disabilties. (3) To continue to lead art workshops for inclusion (on national and international level). So far we have several partner organisations in Latvia, Poland, Turkey, Moldavia, Slovenia and other countries. So we act not only on national, but international level.